Geological Satellite Mapping
Exploit satellite and airborne sensors to isolate your exploration leads
Your Challenges

What is your onshore challenge?
“I want rapid assessment of this basin before we commit.”
“We need to see the relationship between litho-structural units and mineralisation”
“Our exploration team needs to know how regional stress changes across our new acreage.”
“We must have a map that characterises leads in this part of the fold belt.”
“I want to integrate the potential field data with geological mapping to link the surface to the subsurface”
“The seepage we’re aware of might extend into our AOI, but what controls it?”
“I have some seismic, but there are big gaps in coverage.”
“How can we get our ground crew into this location safely”?
If your team is discussing these aspects of exploration,
then Tectosat should be able to offer a bespoke recommendation to assist you.
Why Tectosat?
Experienced professional
With nearly 30 years’ experience, Tectosat can offer consultancy on geological mapping and interpretation projects globally. Whether working on exploration or engineering projects, Tectosat has the depth to link surface to subsurface, elevation data to seismic or potential field data. Skilled at using optical, radar or LiDAR data in many different climatic zones, Tectosat will deliver.
Regional or detailed
Experience is based on large scale continent-to countrywide interpretations and mapping projects as well as individual block or structure-based interpretation and analysis.
Bespoke approach
Tectosat wants to understand your exploration challenge and propose an approach tailored to your needs, tied to your budget, exploration program and deadline. Whether the objectives are regional – defining leads, prospects and trends, or more detailed – looking at structural geometries or fractures, Tectosat will outline a pathway to success for its clients.
Short/long term contracts
Projects and consultancy can be arranged on a daily to monthly, full- or part-time basis. Tectosat works remotely or based in clients’ offices for short periods or longer spells by arrangement.

• Regional tectono-stratigraphic mapping
• Detailed geological and exploration block mapping
• Geophysical/potential field integration

• Detailed litho-structural, tectonic and mineral mapping
• Spectral mapping (PCAs, Band Ratios, Decorrelation Stretches)
• Identification of mineralisation and alteration haloes

• Structural, dip-domain, fault population, fracture analysis
• Surface to sub-surface seismic data interpolation
• Sparse/widely-spaced seismic line in-fill

Image ©Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
• Tectonic geomorpholgical mapping and analysis
• Ground characterisation and corridor consultancy
• Reconnaissance-level geohazard mapping
About Tectosat
Tectosat provides geological, structural and litho-tectonic mapping for regional lead definition and detailed prospect mapping within extractive and engineering sectors by using remotely sensed satellite, aerial LiDAR imagery and elevation data coupled with potential field data to reduce exploration risk, build more understanding and produce more fully integrated geological models. Tectosat can advise clients which imagery will provide maximum benefit for their purposes, whether for a one-off situation of for longer, multi-phase monitoring.
Tectosat is managed and owned by Mike Oehlers, a geologist with 30+ years’ experience of satellite mapping and remote sensing in the exploration sector. From 1990 until 2008 he grew the geological capabilities of NPA and the team expanded to 8 geoscientists following acquisition by Fugro (2008) and subsequently CGG (2012) . Tectosat Ltd was founded in 2016 and takes its name from one of the original NPA product lines, with the agreement and support of Nigel Press.
During 26 years with NPA Satellite Mapping, Fugro and CGG, Oehlers worked across the world from Alaska to Algeria, with experience in almost all climatic domains, using the full spectra of remote sensing technologies and sensors, whether optical, radar or LiDAR, from both satellite and airborne platforms, working for the vast majority of the world’s super-majors and small independent explorers.
Experience ranges from continent scale (1m scale), through regional (1:500,000/1:200,000 scale) down to mapping of fracture populations across folds at 1:1,000 scale. While much of the project work was based on projects in the Middle East (Zagros, Oman), Africa (Atlas/Anti-Atlas Mtns, EARS, West Africa) and SE Asia, more recent experience concentrated on using LiDAR data for large area detailed mapping through dense tropical canopy (PNG) and for geological and geohazard mapping in the mountains and boreal forests of Alaska.
• Dinaride Mtns, Albania
• Apennines, Italy
• Sicily, Italy
• Po Valley, Italy
• Pyrenees, Spain
• Hellenides, W. Greece
• Magdalena Valley, Colombia
• Llanos Basin, Colombia
• Ucayali – Shira Mtns, Peru
• Orinoco Basin, Venezuela
• Neuquen Basin, Argentina
• San Jorge Basin, Argentina
• Cuyo Basin, Argentina
• NW Cuba Basin, Cuba
• North Slope, Alaska, US
• Permian & Midland Basins, US
• Uinta/Green River Basin, US
• Atlas Mtns, Algeria/Tunisia
• Rift Valley, Ethiopia
• Dar Es Salaam Platform, Tanzania
• Eastern Arm Rift, Kenya
• Rift Valley, Mozambique
• Kurdistan, Iraq
• Lauristan, Zagros, Iran
• Southern Taurides, Turkey
• Dead Sea Transform, Israel-
• Mesozoic-Tertiary Basins, Yemen
• Oman Mtns Foreland Basin
• Musandam Peninsula, UAE
• Tripura-Assam-Mizoram Foldbelt
• Khorat-Cambodia Platform
• Kutei Basin, Kalimantan
• Tarakan Basin, Kalimantan
• Sabah-Sandakan Basin, Borneo
• West Timor
• Fly Platform & Aure Trough, PNG
• Papuan Fold & Thrust Belt, PNG
• North African Margin
• West African Margin
• Circum Adriatic Foldbelts
• Tauride-Zagros-Makhran Chain
• South East Asia Tectonics Mapping
• East African Rift System
• Mongolia
• Algeria
• Gabon
• Tunisia
• Algeria
• Myanmar
• Cook Inlet, Alaska
• Seward, Alaska
• Valdez, Alaska
• W. Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, PNG
• Drilling Sites, Lake Albert, Uganda
• Access, Fly Platform, PNG
• Pipelines, Niger
• Pipelines, Chad
• Pipelines, Badra, Iraq
• Facilities, Badra, Iraq
• Facilities, Zubair, Iraq
• Facilities, Alaska
Contact and Contract
Tectosat Ltd is based in Reigate, UK, but can mobilise to offices around the world for short durations.
Contract types:
Short and long-term contracts are supported.
Long-term but part time contracts are also accommodated.
Packages for bundles of day/short-term projects.
Consultancy at more economical, longer term rates.
Day or weekly rates on request.
Please email for prompt reply.